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Florida Fun- Final Project

My project consists of an Instagram and a website. The Instagram is titled “ summerfloridafun, ” while the website is titled, “ Florida Fun .” It took a lot of patience to create my project because I used Wix to create my website and this was my first time using Wix . My goal for this project was to outline my many adventures I took while living and visiting Florida over the past three summers. The purpose was also to keep track of where I was and what I was doing and how I felt when going on these many adventures. My process was a complicated one. It always takes me forever to get an inspiration or idea. My idea took me awhile to fully get in my brain. I know I wanted to expand on my location based narrative but I didn’t know how. I wanted to do something that meant something to more than myself and that would get people interested. The technology I used was my macbook, Wix, and Instagram, along with Google . The three characteristics I used were location based, nonlinear, and...
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My Florida Adventure

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Music in Private vs. Public

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My Week Mapped

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Is it Really Plagiarism if it's Your Work?

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