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Music in Private vs. Public

This week we had the option of picking between two prompts: "Take a walk on your lunch break. List everything you hear, see, or think" or "What do you do in private that could be done in public? Why don't you?" Both prompts struck me as interesting but since I usually do not take lunch breaks I chose the prompt titled, "What do you do in private that could be done in public? Why don't you?"

Before I just posted something and typed up this blog I had to stop and think, and this really had me thinking. There are a lot of things that I do in private that I know a lot of other people do too. I wanted this to be something meaningful though and not something cliche and stupid like blow your nose or take selfies (which I will admit, I do both of those things too).

After some thought I realized what it was I do in private and not in public. I also realized I usually do this alone and not in front of my roommate too. I tend to listen to music in private. I'll admit I do listen to music with friends and I enjoy it but I listen to music differently when I'm alone.

When I am alone I listen to music that is older, that I listened to as a child. This music is usually country music that my mom and I listened to when we would clean the house on the weekend when I was growing up. This music takes me back to my childhood and helps me relax when I am overwhelmed with homework and clubs and work and just college stuff in general.

I do not listen to it in public because I have noticed my peers like to listen to more hip-hop and rap music. That kind of music is fine with me to, I also enjoy it, as you can see above in my Spotify screenshot. But my favorite is the old school music that I always find myself YouTubing. The music that seems to be forgotten. The music I grew up listening to.


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