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I was a Mother at 18.

This week we had the option to choose between two prompts: "Make up a really good lie about yourself to tell a stranger. Invent a story to back it up." or "Make a mixtape for someone who doesn't know you." As usual, I found both prompts intriguing and I am interested to hear the different mixtapes people made if anyone in class chose that prompt, but I chose the prompt "Make up a really good lie to tell a stranger. Invent a story to back it up." My lie is, I was a mother at 18.

At 18, you think you know everything. You tell your parents, "I'm legally an adult, you can't tell me what to do!" If it is not that then it is something similar. You think you are your own boss and are mature enough to make your own decisions. I also thought this at 18, or at least I did until I was forced to make decisions for someone other than myself. Someone who was helpless, who relied on me to care for them and have their best interests in mind.

At 18, I found out I was pregnant. A rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts were going through my mind. "How could this happen?" "How could I be so stupid?" "I'm an adult." "Adults are smarter than this.." My parents had thrown it in my face that "I'm an adult and that I could make my own decisions." These were my own words and they had every right to throw them at me the way they did. I was acting like an entitled little brat and I deserved their cold hearted love, it helped make me stronger and who I am today.

Three years later, I am happy to be the mother of my two twin boys. They are my whole world. Some people may ask why didn't I "take care" of them or give them up for adoption, since I was young and in school? My response to those people are that I was raised to take blame of my actions and that is what I did. I will never say that my children were a mistake, an accident yes, but a beautiful one. I believe everything happens for a reason. People are given obstacles in their life but only ones that make them stronger even if they do not see it at the time.


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