I find myself challenged with the prompts every week. I found this weeks prompts, "What are you hoarding for yourself that could be shared with others?" and "Who do you feel are your competitors? Could you turn them into collaborators? How?" to be the most challenging so far.
The prompt I chose to do was "What are you hoarding for yourself that could be shared with others?" I did not write anything long or elaborate on this page because I find myself keeping what I wrote on this page to myself often. I wrote four words on this page, "My thoughts or feelings."
Growing up I was always afraid to speak out in fear of being rejected even though my dad always told me to stand up for what I believe in even if no one else does. It has always bothered me that I always kept quiet because some conversations I have been apart of in high school would really fire me up. Instead of saying anything I would simply nod or say, "alright" and walk away. There are a handful of times I did speak up because I was so frustrated. After I spoke up I could not believe I had even said words but I noticed myself feeling so much better even if no one agreed with me. After that I decided I would try to speak up more often.
When this prompt was assigned to me I thought about it a few days because I could not think of anything. I was having a brain fart! Then one night it just hit me. I thought writing those four words, "My thoughts or feelings" might not make sense but then again they do completely. In order to form healthy relationships people must openly communicate. If I do not express how I feel then is it really effective communication?
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