This week we got to pick between not two prompts but three! The three prompt options were, "Make a drawing using tiny parts of other peoples' drawings," "Turn on the radio. Switch the station every 10 seconds. Transcribe everything you hear." or "Cut out the panels of a comic strip, rearrange them, and paste them here." I found them all super creative and interesting but I ended up choosing the one titled, "Turn on the radio. Switch the station every 10 seconds. Transcribe everything you hear."
When I first looked at this prompt I thought, "Oh great, what gibberish nonsense is going to appear on my page that my peers are going to see?" After thinking about for longer than what is normal, I finally sat down to do it. I will admit I was nervous but also excited. I didn't know how I was going to write at such a fast pace AND change the radio at the same time, but I managed.
Once I filled the first page I started to notice that what I was writing down actually kinda flowed together. This, at first, struck me as odd. As much as I was puzzled I was growing more and more intrigued. I was excited to see what the radio had in store for me next and how my radio song was going to end.
I turned the radio the final few times and scribbled down the lyrics into my journal as I could not help but smile. My song had a cliche ending. I read over it to double check it made sense like it did in my mind. It did make sense and sounded like any other country love song on the radio. I was satisfied with what I had unintentionally created. This sparks my curiosity on what else is floating around out there waiting to be created, both with intent and unintentionally?
When I first looked at this prompt I thought, "Oh great, what gibberish nonsense is going to appear on my page that my peers are going to see?" After thinking about for longer than what is normal, I finally sat down to do it. I will admit I was nervous but also excited. I didn't know how I was going to write at such a fast pace AND change the radio at the same time, but I managed.
Once I filled the first page I started to notice that what I was writing down actually kinda flowed together. This, at first, struck me as odd. As much as I was puzzled I was growing more and more intrigued. I was excited to see what the radio had in store for me next and how my radio song was going to end.
I turned the radio the final few times and scribbled down the lyrics into my journal as I could not help but smile. My song had a cliche ending. I read over it to double check it made sense like it did in my mind. It did make sense and sounded like any other country love song on the radio. I was satisfied with what I had unintentionally created. This sparks my curiosity on what else is floating around out there waiting to be created, both with intent and unintentionally?
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