For this remix narrative project I actually struggled A LOT! I bounced between so many ideas then had a hard time executing them. So I finally thought, "Why not remix something I love?" I absolutely love Disney so that was an obvious choice. The real struggle was to decide what to remix my love for Disney with. I love to laugh so I wanted to do something that was funny. The day we made memes in class it hit me, why not make Disney memes?! All I had to do was find the words. Long story short, my friend showed me this one twitter account called "First of All" and I couldn't stop scrolling. From the second I looked at that account I knew I had my memes. I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I do!
This week we had the option to pick between the two prompts titled, "Describe your favorite method of procrastination. Can you come up with a more productive one?" or "Chart your latest project against this shape. In what ways does it match? In what ways does it differ?" As per usual, both prompts sparked my interest but when it came down to picking one I chose the one titled, "Describe your favorite method of procrastination. Can you come up with a more productive one?" One of my most common methods of procrastination, like many of my peers, is my phone. Social media, texting, and music are my main problems when it comes to turning to my phone instead of my schoolwork or whatever else I am supposed to be doing. I would say my next most common method is food. When I am working on something I am constantly thinking about everything in my kitchen cupboards and refrigerator. I am constantly snacking and it drives me crazy. I should probably weigh like 50...
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