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Showing posts from October, 2017

My Week Mapped

This week we had two prompt options. The first option was "Draw a map of your typical week." or "For one week, sit or stand in the same spot for 15 minutes every day. Each day, write down the most interesting thing you see or hear." I chose the prompt to draw a map of my week because this semester is a busy one for me. I am a senior this year with my major being communications, my minor being professional writing, and my related area is public relations and advertising. This semester is a full coarse load. I am taking 18 credits, have 2 jobs, and I participate in 3 clubs on campus, while take the role of president in one. So I am literally EVERYWHERE on campus! (Usually running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.) My map would show me spending most of my time in Biddle hall since I am a communications major and writing minor. Then the rest of my time would be spent at the CPA's, student union, the gym, and other various locations around campu...

Is it Really Plagiarism if it's Your Work?

This week we had three prompt options to choose from that included: "Make a poem out of newspaper headlines" or "Plagiarize yourself. Find an old piece of writing, cut it up, rearrange it, and past it here." or "Make a collage from items in your wastebasket [or steal scraps from someone else's wastebasket.]" This week I had a hard time choosing between all three of the prompts because they were all very intriguing. The prompt I ended up choosing to do was "Plagiarize yourself. Find an old piece of writing, cut it up, rearrange it, and past it here." I chose this prompt because I find it odd that one can plagiarize oneself but I guess it's possible and I wanted to try it for myself. I thought plagiarizing myself would be the easiest thing in the world. I was wrong. I found it more difficult than taking things offline and citing them. I did not want to break my own line of thinking in my original paper but for the sake of this prompt I ...

Memes Remixed Disney Style

For this remix narrative project I actually struggled A LOT! I bounced between so many ideas then had a hard time executing them. So I finally thought, "Why not remix something I love?" I absolutely love Disney so that was an obvious choice. The real struggle was to decide what to remix my love for Disney with. I love to laugh so I wanted to do something that was funny. The day we made memes in class it hit me, why not make Disney memes?! All I had to do was find the words. Long story short, my friend showed me this one twitter account called "First of All" and I couldn't stop scrolling. From the second  I looked at that account I knew I had my memes. I hope everyone enjoys them as much as I do! 

My Radio Song

This week we got to pick between not two prompts but three! The three prompt options were, "Make a drawing using tiny parts of other peoples' drawings," "Turn on the radio. Switch the station every 10 seconds. Transcribe everything you hear." or "Cut out the panels of a comic strip, rearrange them, and paste them here." I found them all super creative and interesting but I ended up choosing the one titled, "Turn on the radio. Switch the station every 10 seconds. Transcribe everything you hear." When I first looked at this prompt I thought, "Oh great, what gibberish nonsense is going to appear on my page that my peers are going to see?" After thinking about for longer than what is normal, I finally sat down to do it. I will admit I was nervous but also excited. I didn't know how I was going to write at such a fast pace AND change the radio at the same time, but I managed. Once I filled the first page I started to notice that ...

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words or Sometimes About 40.

This week we were asked to pick from two prompts titled, "Write a fan letter" or "What are the secrets of your trade? What would you lose by sharing them? What would you gain?" Instead of picking between the two prompts suggested I chose the prompt titled, "Pictures can say whatever we want them to say. (Come up with your own captions.)" This page shows six columns. The first three are triangles and the last three are circles. I answered the first row then had two friends answer the next two rows. The two friends I had answer the bottom two rows are engineers and I think some of their answers help show that. I found when I asked them to answer all they could think of were math equations used to solve for triangles and circles. I find the different perspectives very interesting. I chose to make this collaborative because we have been doing collaborative work in class. By working on a collaborative social media presentation, a collaborative narrative, an...